Decent Work for All: Tackling Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains
October 7th is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of decent work for all individuals. The day was established by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and first celebrated in 2008. Annually on this date, the importance of decent work is emphasized worldwide and attention is drawn to the challenges faced by workers globally. The World Day for Decent Work also draws attention to current human rights issues in corporate supply chains, particularly in relation to modern slavery and child labor.
In today's world, modern slavery and child labor remain pressing global issues, with over 40 million people, including millions of children, trapped in exploitative conditions. These practices violate basic human rights and undermine the principles of decent work for millions of people, including a very large number of children.
Addressing these persistent human rights problems requires a comprehensive strategy. As more governments enact supply chain laws, companies are being called upon to proactively ensure human rights compliance within their own supply chains.
One effective approach for companies is to conduct compliance training to prevent modern slavery in global supply chains. These trainings can educate employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders about the signs of exploitation, the applicable legal frameworks, and what can be done to address these issues. By fostering a culture of compliance and accountability, companies can actively contribute to the elimination of modern in global supply chains.
By promoting a culture of compliance and accountability, companies can actively contribute to the eradication of modern slavery and child labor.
New to our course portfolio is the Modern Slavery course, which specifically addresses forms of modern slavery in global supply chains. In addition to this online course, you will find many more trainings on human rights, fairness and compliance topics in our e-learning library that can help you ensure that your company and all employees are well informed and equipped to address these issues.